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Lead sealing wire

Layer over your lead tailored in sealing wire secure by some formation, maybe a more mystic lancer style Ziwei. It would be great that when your goods arrive at their destination they look somewhat the same or similar to hows you sent them. In this case, the lead seal wire is one of the best ways to safeguard your package and ensure it arrives at it is destination intact, without being tampered, along with Ziwei's product ocean container seals. Read on to know more about it.

Lead Sealing Wire

Lead sealing wire is a special wire, used primarily for on things that you want the assurance of, identical to trailer security seals by Ziwei. This figure is in letter opening, box cutting or any parcel sending items. This lead wire is a solidly constructed but somewhat bendable one, this thing contains only lead. After putting on a loop around your item, they will not be able to use the package who should not.

Why choose Ziwei Lead sealing wire?

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